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Cameo Jewelry, Buying Guide

Customized cameos

If you are planning to buy cameo jewelry, stop and reflect: you are about to buy a treasure that holds over two hundred years of history and tradition: a tradition that has made Torre del Greco the world capital of coral and cameo processing. 

If for the first century and a little more, cameo processing was characterized by classical iconography and cameo jewelry was seen as "grandmother's" jewelry, worn and created exclusively for an adult audience, today the approach to processing has completely changed, thanks to modern designs, versatility of engraving and customization, reproducing drawings, portraits, pets, and much more. This change of course has also begun to involve and seduce a younger audience. 


How to choose the right cameo

There are many types of cameos available on the market, jewelry made on a large scale and for all occasions. The cameo is today a great gift perfect for any occasion, but it is important to make the right choice. 

Like any other jewel, a basilar aspect is given by the taste of the person. Taste is purely subjective, as is the intended use. The intention to use it also affects the choice. Classic cameos continue to fascinate women who love classic style and do not give up an elegant look in the most common sense. The cameos with a more modern design adapt to any outfit and any occasion, becoming perfect to be worn every day. Currently, the cameo has also been rediscovered to adorn the hair, completing a hairstyle designed to highlight the face. Personalized jewelry also allows you to tell something about yourself, with cameos made to order, which reproduce your initials, your zodiac sign, a symbol to which you are particularly attached or your pet. 


The cameo, not just a feminine jewel

The cameo is conquering everyone. If you're wondering if cameo jewelry is a feminine peculiarity, our answer is "absolutely not." More and more men are choosing the cameo for their cufflinks or in recent times, there are many who are succumbing to the charm of the chevalier ring. Also in this case, among the most requested designs there are, in addition to initials, classic elements, lucky symbols or various geometries. 

Among the most popular and requested men's cameo bracelets are bracelets with a cameo inspired by your favorite team or with your name, but once again the creativity has no limits!

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